
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Planet of the Ex-Boyfriends Begins!

Oliver Tuthill and Matt Harrison
At last I have my own actual filmmaking photos to share and not just cheesy graphics swiped from the Internet!

The photos sprinkled throughout this entry are by my talented friend, Sergey Vasilevskiy, who was the photographer during our promo shoot form Planet of the Ex-Boyfriends in late January.

It was my first time producing ANYTHING and thanks to the fantastic cast and crew, it went swimmingly well. It was also my first time as a writer getting to hear my words acted out and brought to life. That was a thrill too.

Oliver Tuthill and Tara Walker
Originally my plan was to use the promo immediately in a crowdfunding campaign. Then I realized I could apply for a 4Culture award and get an answer on that as early as June (they seem like a fantastically organized org) so I poured my energy into applying for that and will now wait and see if they give me any money. If they DO, I get to save the crowdfunding for the post-production phase.

All cast and crew
If they don't, well, I'll use the promo we're creating to anchor a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign near YOU!

News tidbits
In other writing news, I'm teaching my fave class starting March 20th at Hugo House - Roughing It: Write a Rough Draft of Your Book in Just Six Weeks. There was still room last time I checked but it fills up fast.

Also, this past winter a short article of mine was published about Scottish Lakes High Camp, one of my favorite places to ski and relax. A big part of its rustic charm was that the hosts, Chris and Don Hansen, were so warm and friendly.

Don Hansen
Sadly, just this past weekend, Don died in an accident at High Camp. If you just look at his picture on the front page of their website (which I've also posted here) you will see what a vibrant and positive person he was. That smile says it all, because he was always wearing it. I will miss you very much Don, thank you for all the fantastic memories (and for always encouraging me to ski down stuff I might not have otherwise had the guts to do).

In better news
Dave and I are off to Oahu today. Crazy! This is the second time in ONE year we've gone to Hawaii but winter in Seattle can get hella long and dark. Especially when you're mourning the loss of your mom and best friend.

We'll be returning right after Daylight Savings begins so things will be literally a little brighter then. Strangely I usually don't look forward to that. Like a mole who's been hiding all winter I'm afraid of the sun. But not this year. Oahu here we come!